The Stress, Hypothyroid and Adrenal Fatigue Program comes straight from the clinical experience of Dr. Jade & Keoni Teta.
Dr. Jade Teta self-diagnosed himself with hypothyroid and adrenal fatigue in 2005. After successfully treating himself through mostly diet, exercise and natural health supplements he began using the same program on his thyroid and adrenal compromised clients.
The program has now been used on thousands of people seeking help with thyroid and adrenal related dysfunction.
Here's what is included in this 100% online program:
Here is who the program is best for:
The program is built on the concept of "structured-flexibility". The Quick Start Manual provides the detailed diet, exercise & supplement education of exactly how to start (structure), while the video education provides the knowledge and resources to tweak and adjust the approach to fit your needs (flexibility).
This program is an educational program only. Please do not attempt any changes in diet, exercise or supplements without first consulting with your physician.
This program is a stand-alone education and does not come with support by the ME coaches or Metabolic Effect Doctors.
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