
Learn, Educate, Get Results

Metabolic Effect has certified hundreds...

of group exercise instructors, personal trainers and nutrition consultants.

Our certified fitness and nutrition professionals learn the specialization of short-duration, high-intensity workouts called metabolic conditioning and have an in-depth understanding of the hormonal impact of exercise.

They are versed in the Metabolic Effect’s proprietary Rest-Based Training (RBT) system, and hybrid based workout schemes. In addition, the instructors are taught the latest in sport psychology, personality profiling and motivation techniques to address the varied fitness levels, physical abilities, and intrinsic motivators of their clients.

The Metabolic Effect certified trainers are a different breed of fitness professional who know delivering the best workout means making it “all about ME”, meaning you.

There are several certifications to choose from including ME Indoor Group Personal Trainer (ME-GPT), ME Certified Personal Trainer (ME-CPT), and ME Nutrition Consultant (ME-NC Levels 1, 2, 3).


This indoor group exercise class is conducted through gyms and fitness centers. The training is two days culminating in a written and practical exam where the entire 30-minute class is taught. Instructors learn the science of metabolic conditioning, the workout format and flow, the ME Rest-Based Training (RBT) method, tools, techniques, safety measures, and the psychology of individualized motivation.


This certification is a two day training for fitness professionals specializing in one-on-one and small group training. This is an advanced personal training certification with a prerequisite of a nationally recognized training certification required. Over the course of the training instructors will learn metabolic conditioning, high volume and density training, compact chains, compound cardio, hybrid based exercise, concurrent training techniques, and many other cutting edge training tools and modalities. In addition, the certification teaches workout management with short-duration, higher intensity sessions, as well as cutting edge motivation skills and personality profiling practices.

(Levels 1, 2, & 3)

The Metabolic Effect Nutrition Seminar Bundle is designed to teach you all the advanced principles of hormonal nutrition for fat loss. Fat loss is more than a simple mathematics equation of calories in and calories out. Food is information to the body. Every time you eat you have the opportunity to burn fat or store fat. This bundle teaches you everything you need to know.


50% Complete

Two Step

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