Top 10 Foods You Thought Were Bad

me nutrition Jan 06, 2009

By Jade Teta

1) Cocoa powder (chocolate)- The bioflavonoids in cocoa are like a heart-healthy-super-pill. Cocoa decrease platelet aggregation (the reason many people take aspirin), lowers blood pressure, lowers blood sugar, may improve cognition and mood, and has a higher antioxidant capacity of any fruit or vegetable you can think of. Oh, and it just may help your sex life. But use your common sense; we are not talking about milk chocolate candies that are so sweet they burn your tongue. It is the sugar that is often in chocolate products that you want to avoid. (1. Chocolate and women's sexual health: An intriguing correlation.Journal of Sex Medicine. 2006 May;3(3):476-82. 2. Effects of low habitual cocoa intake on blood pressure and bioactive nitric oxide: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2007 Jul 4;298(1):49-60. 3. Cocoa flavanols and brain perfusion.Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology. 2006;47 Suppl 2:S210-4. 4. Dietary supplementation with cacao liquor proanthocyanidins prevents elevation of blood glucose levels in diabetic obese mice. Nutrition. 2007 Apr;23(4):351-5. )

2) Coconut- again the experts got it wrong. In the zealous pursuit of the "fat-is-the-root-of-all-evil campaign, coconut was wrongly condemned as a "bad" food. The fact is coconut oil and coconut milk are loaded with short and medium chain saturated fats that can actually help you lose weight. And in case you and your nutritional advisor are still living in the 1980's saturated fat has never actually been proven to cause heart disease. Coconut fat also has some of the same antimicrobial compounds found in mother's milk, like monolaurin. Coconut water is the original electrolytes sport drink and what we describe as "Gatorade on steroids", except without the fluorescent color that can double as a night-light. From coconut oil, to coconut milk, to coconut water this plant is one of the most nourishing on the planet. (1.Weight-loss diet that includes consumption of medium-chain triacylglycerol oil leads to a greater rate of weight and fat mass loss than does olive oil. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):621-6. 2. Rehydration with sodium-enriched coconut water after exercise-induced dehydration.Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2007 Jul;38(4):769-85.)

3) Nuts- People who eat nuts weigh less, have less heart disease, and are better nourished. Nuts are natures original fast foods and are a balanced source of all macronutrients which is why they are so satisfying. The rap on nuts has always been that they contain too much fat. You will see the fat theme come up over and over in this article, but fat is not only not dangerous, but is required to keep us healthy and thin. Besides, even nutritionists now understand the fats contained in most nuts are mono and polyunsaturated which have beneficial effects on disease; especially heart disease. (The role of tree nuts and peanuts in the prevention of coronary heart disease: multiple potential mechanisms. Journal of Nutrition.2008;Sep;138(9):1746S-1751S.)

4) Avocado- Another high fat food, avocado was always seen as something to avoid. This is only true if you are using it as a dressing for the 2 bags of corn chips you are inhaling. Avocado is loaded with vitamin E, is a satisfying and filling meal, and did we mention it is being studied for its effect on cancer? The bioflavanoids in avocado have been shown to have multiple actions in cancer including inhibition of cancer growth as well as inducing cancer cell apoptosis (pronounced a-poh-tosis), a fancy term for cell suicide. (Chemopreventive characteristics of avocado fruit. Seminars in Cancer biology Oct. 2007;17(5):386-94)

5) Red Meat- This one always surprises people, but red meat has always been an exceedingly healthy food loaded with nutrients like, carnitine, carnosine, CLA and creatine, as well as B12 that can not be found in plant foods and are required for adequate physiological function. So why does it get a bad rap? Because the health of a cow just like a human has to do with how it is raised. To get an idea of how a healthy food can be adulterated by the food industry take a brocooli plant grow it in a sludge of corn meal and sorghum, inject some growth hormones, spritz on a cockltail of pesticides, and then drag it through feces and your broccoli will be less than desirable as well. Naturally raised, grass fed cattle is one of the healthiest foods on the planet and by choosing this food over the conventional animal products your health will benefit and the market will shift to meet demand far faster than avoiding the food altogether. Better for you, beter for the environment, and everyone wins. (Effects of conventional and grass feeding systems on the nutrient composition of beef. Journal of Animal Science. July 2008. 2. Effect of feeding systems on omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid and trans fatty acids in Australian beef cuts: potential impact on human health. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2006;15(1):21-9)

6) Eggs- Take the most digestible and complete protein on the planet and add some of the most powerful carotenoids you can find like lutein and zeaxanthin and you have the egg. The high protein, low carb and moderate fat egg makes the perfect food for those trying to watch their weight. Eggs have gotten a bad rap for many reasons, but cholesterol is the big one. In case your doctor is still in the dark ages on this topic, let us set the record straight, EGGS DO NOT RAISE CHOLESTEROL AND DO NOT CAUSE HEART DISEASE!!. They do however decrease the risk of macular degeneration, aid weight loss, and the latest research shows may actually benefit cholesterol levels. (1. Egg breakfast enhances weight loss. Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 Aug 5 2. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol changes after continuous egg consumption in healthy adults.Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. 2008 Mar;91(3):400-7.)

7) Peanuts- If you want to control your weight eat peanuts. Peanuts have been shown to have several mechanisms that actually aid weight loss. First they are a very satisfying food and help people eat less by feeling more satiated. Second, peanuts and other nuts are extremely resistant to digestion. This is good news since studies have shown that 10-20% of the fat contained in peanuts is not even absorbed. Third, studies show that the amount of energy it takes to digest peanuts is more than with most foods. Some studies have shown an increased metabolic rate of 5% with the consumption of peanuts. While peanut butter also has the same benefits mentioned above, it is much less dramatic due to the predigestion process of grinding the nuts. Oh, and they are good for the heart. (Effects of chronic peanut consumption on energy balance and hedonics.Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2002 Aug;26(8):1129-37. 2. Impact of peanuts and tree nuts on body weight and healthy weight loss in adults.J Nutr. 2008 Sep;138(9):1741S-1745S. 3. The role of tree nuts and peanuts in the prevention of coronary heart disease: multiple potential mechanisms.. Journal of Nutrition. 2008 Sep;138(9):1746S-1751S.)

8) Alcohol (especially red wine)- In small amounts, alcohol can be very beneficial and red wine seems to be the leader of the pact. The June 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that 1 alcoholic beverage taken with a meal lowers the blood sugar response of that meal by up to 37%. Wine seemed to have the greatest effect while beer the least effect. In addition, it has been known for a while that alcohol in moderation can improve insulin sensitivity. Red wine In particular, my have even more benefits. Resveratrol is the newest phytonutrient (plant chemical) in the fight against aging and has shown much promise in diabetes and aging in general. So, while going over-board on alcohol could never be viewed as healthy, substituting an appetizer of bread and having an alcoholic beverage instead may provide benefit. (1. Resveratrol in prevention and treatment of common clinical conditions of aging. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2008;3(2):331-9.)

9) Protein- This one is perhaps the biggest blunder we have ever seen in the world of nutrition. There is even a prominent book released only a few years ago claiming protein is the cause of all disease. Sound familiar? First it was fat, then carbohydrate, and now the nutrition "experts" are going to try shove the protein=death hypothesis down your throat. Don't fall for it. Protein is the second most abundant substance in the body after water. And there is absolutely no evidence what so ever that protein causes cancer, or damages your kidneys, or any other such non-sense. If you don't believe us, are feelings are not hurt, all we ask is to please just go read the research and stop relying on your favorite vegan newsletter as the final word on the health requirements of protein. Protein makes you less hungry, speeds your metabolism, provides the building blocks of your body's antioxidant arsenal, decreases the age related loss of muscle tissue, lowers cholesterol levels, stabilizes blood sugar, and the list goes on and on and on. If you want to stay sick, tired, and depressed than please reduce your protein intake, but if you want to age well, have more energy, increase your bone density, lose fat and gain muscle then we suggest you eat a higher protein diet with plenty fruits and vegetables. (1. High-protein weight loss diets and purported adverse effects: wheres the evidence? Sports Nutrition Review Journal. 2004;1(1):45-41.)

10) Fruit- This one may be a surprise to see on our list, but believe it or not there are those out there who advise against the consumption of fruit. While bodybuilders and those who are trying to get extremely low levels of body fat my avoid fruit for short periods of time, doing so on a regular basis is a big mistake. The fastest growing segment of nutrition research is in the realm of phytonutrition. Phytonutrients are all the plant compounds that give fruits and vegetables their wonderful colors flavors and textures and science is showing they act as powerful modulators on our metabolism. It is important to remember fruit IS NOT the same as fruit juice. Fruit is loaded with fiber, water, phytonutrieints and a little sugar. The fiber and the water is what allows the fruit sugars to not overwhelm and do damage to our physiology. Fruit juices that remove the fiber and concentrate the juice are making a healthy food much less healthy. Remember the rule of processing and whole foods: and apple is healthier than apple sauce, which is healthier than apple juice. (1. Fruits and the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases.Clinical Experiments in Pharmacological Physiology. 2004;2:S11-3. 2. Color me healthy. Phytonutrients in fruits and veggies. Diabetes Self Managment. 2004;21(5):76-8.)

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