Dr. Jade Teta founded Metabolic Effect with his brother Dr. Keoni Teta in 2004 as a local fitness Bootcamp. He then went on to write four bestsellers & build the company to the international presence it is today. He is an international presenter & educator in the fields of metabolism, strength & conditioning, and self-development.
Dr. Keoni Teta founded Metabolic Effect with his brother Dr. Jade Teta in 2004 as a local fitness Bootcamp. He then went on to author 2 bestselling books, run the Metabolic Effect clinic, and built Metabolic Effect to its now international prominence. Dr. Keoni is an expert in metabolism, anti-aging and natural approaches to treating chronic disease.
You can find Dr. Keoni at his website www.naturalhealthprescriptions.com and on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @Keoniteta
Gary has been with Metabolic Effect since it was just a baby. Initially in the realm of technology and operations, every time ME expanded you could bet Gary was behind the scenes in some way.
Now he oversees the day to day and keeps it all running smoothly here at Metabolic Effect.
When he's not busy doing that he's traveling the world leading retreats and spreading the ME message with www.soultribeadventures.com,
You can find Gary here and at his website www.garyleake.com and on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @ifimaybesobold
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